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Please see information below for our upcoming DVHL Tryouts.

DVHL Tryout Dates:

10U (2014-2015 Birth Years) & 12U (2012-2013 Birth Years)

Tuesday March 26th from 5:30pm to 6:30pm @ Sunbury Ice Rink

Deadline to sign up for 10u/12u is Monday March 25th

14U (2010-2011 Birth Years) & 18U (2006-2009 Birth Years)

Monday April 15th from 6:00pm to 7:30pm @ Giant Center in Hershey

Deadline to sign up for 14u/18u is Saturday April 13th @ 11:59pm

There will be a $25 dollar registration fee per player for tryouts.

Please register for Tryouts on our website:

Goalies- if they are trying out for both goalie and skater, the goalie portion will be in the first 15 mins of the session. After this 15 min assessment time, they may go to the locker room and change for the scrimmage. If they are only playing goalie they may stay on the ice and will be rotated in net during the games.

Please email the club with any questions @

We look forward to seeing you on the ice!

Susquehanna Stampede Scholastic Teams Tryout Dates for 2024/2025 Season – 5th thru 12th Grades ONLY

Date and times for the 2024/2025 Stampede Scholastic (CPIHL) teams are as follows:

High School Mandatory Tryouts (9th – 12th grades 2024/2025) JV and Varsity Teams – Saturday March 2nd @ 5:15pm

Middle School Mandatory Tryouts (5th – 8th grades 2024/2025) Middle School Teams – Saturday March 2nd @ 3:45pm

All Players who are trying out must be signed up by 2/24/2024 via the following link: Click Here to Signup

These teams offer a higher level of play and are for players who are dedicated and developmentally ready.  Games can be later in the evenings and school nights.  New parents should look over the schedule from this season to get a sense of when games will be held for next season.

The day before the tryouts, an email will be sent communicating if your player should wear a white or a dark colored jersey. Please bring both colors on the day of tryouts in case adjustments need to be made.  A number must be visible on the back.  For current Stampede players, their existing jersey number should be worn to help prevent overlap.

For more information about the CPIHL please see here:

Susquehanna Stampede CPIHL Team Tryouts 23/24

Date and times for the 2023/2024 Stampede Scholastic team tryouts are as follows:

High School Mandatory Tryouts (9th – 12th grades 2023/2024)  JV and Varsity Teams –
Thursday 3/2/2023 6:45 PM (Sunbury Ice Rink)

Middle School Mandatory Tryouts (5th – 8th grades 2023/2024)) Middle School Teams –

Saturday 3/4/2023 8 AM (Sunbury Ice Rink)

All Players who are trying out must be signed up by 2/28/2023 via the following link:

These teams offer a higher level of play and are for players who are dedicated and developmentally ready.  Games can be later in the evenings and school nights.  New parents should look over the schedule from this season to get a sense of when games will be held for next season.

The day before the tryouts, an email will be sent communicating if your player should wear a white or a dark colored jersey. Please bring both colors on the day of tryouts in case adjustments need to be made.  A number must be visible on the back.  For current Stampede players, their existing jersey number should be worn to help prevent overlap.

For more information about the CPIHL please see here:

11/30 Update

We wanted to take a moment to update you all regarding the payment plan for the hockey programs, Learn to Skate reminders, an update to on ice masking, and to pass along a note from one of the Stampede board members Dr. Jeff Van Lone.

There haven’t been any changes communicated from the Sunbury Rink management regarding the Rink opening.  At this point they are continuing to monitor the COVID situation and a tentative December 7th date is still the plan.  A final decision is set to be made this weekend.  We will update everyone once a decision is finalized as soon as possible.  Please be advised that the practice schedule will likely change if the rink does open.  We will send an email once everything is completed as soon as possible.

The December 1st Payment for the hockey programs will NOT be cancelled. If we aren’t able to return to the rink in December, we will work on other options.

Learn-to-Skate is still tentatively starting December 10th.  Participants have the option to cancel their registration and receive a refund. Reminder regarding equipment for LTS – please bring at least a helmet and gloves.  It is recommended to have knee pads and elbow pads as well.  If you are requiring skates for Learn-to-Skate, please respond back to this email with a participant name and size.  This will help the club to be prepared and allow things to go a bit smoother.  We need volunteers to help with temperature checks. Please reach out to this email address: if you have further questions.

USA Hockey Atlantic District has provided an update regarding mask wearing on the Ice. (see the links below)  We as a board are still attempting to understand the requirements of USA Hockey as well as the Sunbury City Ice Rink.

Regardless of our rink’s stance/USA Hockey, other rink’s and clubs are requiring a mask on ice, so they will be necessary for future games/tournaments. -Hershey, Twin Ponds, Klick Lewis, etc. We would advise you to think about a mask for on the ice.  CCM offers one that straps to the helmet and isn’t tight to the participants face. Link to it here

Please read below a letter from Dr. Jeff Van Lone-

Stampede Families:

I hope you all had some time to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday and get some rest. 

It is disappointing that our young hockey players will not be able to get on the ice due to the recent closure of the rink.  For many of our kids, this may be one of multiple activities that they will not have access to in the short term, and it is a significant loss for them.  Youth sports provide young athletes with numerous experiences that are invaluable to their development including — a consistent, positive social network and outlet; regular physical activity; an opportunity to learn, grow, compete and work together with teammates; multiple occasions to face and overcome challenges and adversity with the support and feedback from coaches and teammates; and the development of a strong work ethic. 

It is a challenging time for us, as parents, to support our families during the pandemic, and the subsequent loss of youth activities.  Increased isolation, less physical activity, the development of poor habits including unhealthy diets, increased use of electronics and social media, and a compromised sense of safety may potentially impact the physical and mental health of our kids.      

Some suggestions for supporting the health and wellness of our youth during this time include:

Manage Your Own Health – It is normal for all of us to experience anxiety, frustration, sadness and/or burnout during the pandemic.  Get the social support you need, exercise, and maintain a healthy diet as best you can.  It is difficult for us to be accessible to support others when we are weighed down ourselves.

Reframe This Time as a “Break” and/or an “Opportunity” – It is understandable that our kids are frustrated and disappointed that they are not able play right now.  Instead of joining with them in this frustration, focus on the gift that this provides to all of us to take a break and spend some quality time with each other.  Go for walks together, listen to their stories, work on a house project with them — anything that helps them to feel more connected and less isolated.  Remember that parents are typically the most influential models for their children.  If they consistently witness us making the best of this time away from hockey, they will learn to do the same.  

Unplug – One of the greatest challenges with more time at home is the potential for children and adolescents to retreat into their phones, tablets and computers, playing video games and accessing social media.  While there may be modest benefits to connecting with others online, and while these “mind numbing” experiences may feel like a break at times, overuse may leave kids feeling more isolated, seldom contributes to meaningful enjoyment or growth, and often promotes anxiety.  Help your family to set limits and reduce electronic use in favor of activities with more face-to-face contact.

Connect and Show Affection – It may seem simple, but hugs from Mom and Dad are one of the most important things we can provide our kids during these times.  Finding opportunities to show affection is one of the best counters to the social isolation they may be experiencing.

Seek Assistance When Needed – It is not uncommon for kids to have more significant mental health concerns during this time.  The conditions created by the pandemic (e.g., isolation, a threatened sense of safety, and reductions in physical activity) mirror some of the typical conditions that promote psychological trauma, and the development of anxious and depressive symptoms in this current environment are natural responses for many children and adolescents.  If someone in your family is struggling, they may need more help.  Reach out to a physician, psychologist, or school counselor and consult about how to best meet the needs of your child. 

Thank you for all you do for our hockey club.  I am grateful to be a part of this community, and I appreciate the time you afford to support this program.  I know my own sons have benefited a lot from the many adults who dedicate their time to contribute to the development of all of our players.

Stay safe and I hope to see you soon at the rink.



Stampede Store Now Open!

The Stampede Team Gear 365 Store is now open! Lots of changes for this year! 

  • Two links to follow this year – One is for the CCM warmup suits which are customizable and the other is for everything else.
  • All items are shipped to you. You can elect to pick up customized CCM warmup suits at Satin Stitches on Mill Street in Danville, PA
  • Orders placed by 11/29/2020 are guaranteed delivery for Christmas. Most likely orders placed by 12/06/2020 will be delivered for Christmas as well – but we cannot guarantee it.
  • The store will now be open year round! Orders will be collected and processed each Monday – converting to this store will cut down on wait times for orders. This will also make it easy for us to add and change items throughout the year and have items available for later in the season
  • Several new items this year and some classic favorites
  • Remember this is a fundraiser for the Stampede – a small portion from each order comes back to the club!

2020/2021 Stampede Season October Schedule, COVID Plan, Important Information

The October practice schedule has been posted to the Stampede website (Mobile friendly version direct link here) , please take notice to the Locker Room (and Lobby) assignment information. The first practices start October 5th.  At this point, we are keeping the amount of participants on the ice to less than 25. We should be equally splitting between the assigned locker rooms. Please try to dress as much as possible before coming to the rink to limit locker room time. As State/CDC guidelines are updated practices may be adjusted or changed.  Check the schedule often for changes.

All players/guardians will be required to sign and deliver the COVID release form.  Please see here for the document, sign and return to or deliver at the first practice. You can provide this to the person taking temperatures.  (see below for further information)

You you will find the complete COVID safety plan for the Susquehanna Youth Hockey Club here. (see the pasted information below for the guideline section of the plan)  Our Medical Officer, Dr. Anthony Petrick, will be hosting a Zoom session October 1st at 6:30 PM to discuss this.  Zoom information will be sent out prior, please mark your calendars.

Mite parents, please take notice there are 2 separate practices depending on age.  The separate practices were needed to stay within the 25 person indoor limit; 6 and Under and a separate 7/8 Year Old. 

JV/Varsity- there will be 1 practice a week, information will be forthcoming from the coaches to those who indicated their interest. We will be collecting $200 for these practices until the potential start of the CPIHL season in December.  Please register (sorry for the 2nd time) and pay here: 

We need team volunteers!  Please reply to this email if you are interested in assisting with tasks on your team – temperature taking, locker room disinfecting, etc.  This year is especially challenging the more help the better. 

There is a Swap Meet happening on October 3rd , 10 AM – 12 PM in the Parking Lot of the Sunbury Ice Rink.  Please bring any equipment you are interested in offering or if you are in need of any gear.

Susquehanna Valley Youth Hockey Club (SVYHC)

 COVID Return to Participation Safety Plan

The RETURN TO PARTICIPATION PLAN is subject to change as the need and regulatory requirements demand


1)      Protect the safety of our players, coaches, staff and their families

2)      Comply with the regulatory guidance of our governing organizations

·         USA Hockey

3)      Comply with the PA Department of Health (DOH) Regulatory mandates and respect the recommendations of the PA DOH

4)      Facilitate a SVYHC community that respects both the uncertainty of our current situation and the different views of our members as to ensure the viability of the SVYHC in the short and long term.

SVYHC Policies for Return to Play

These guidelines apply to SVYHC players, coaches and visitors as well as those representing other organizations.

Facility Guidelines

·         All individuals entering the Sunbury Ice Skating Rink will undergo a temperature check. Those with a temperature greater than 100.4F will not be permitted to enter the facility

·         All individuals are asked to “self-screen” prior to attempting to enter Sunbury Ice Skating Rink. Those with the following symptoms should stay home

·         Temperature > 100.4o F

·         New onset cough or Shortness of breath

·         “Flu-like” symptoms

·         New onset loss of taste or smell

·         Masks covering the mouth and nose are mandatory at all times for individuals more than 2 years old.

o   Players may remove masks when leaving the locker room

o   Coaches should make every attempt to wear masks when not social distancing of 6 feet but are exempt when significant physical exertion is required

o   Exceptions for those individuals with medical conditions preventing the wearing of masks may be granted by the SVYHC Medical Officer

·         All individuals in the Sunbury Ice Skating Rink. MUST maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet at all times

o   Family members sharing a residence are excused from social distancing

·         Hand sanitizer will be provided by the rink for frequent washing of hands

·         Parents/Guardians/Siblings are NOT permitted inside the rink facility with the exception of Mite 8U/6U and Learn to Skate parents.  In which case only ONE parent or guardian will be permitted to enter the facility to assist with dressing of their player and to be present for their young new player. Hockey oftentimes requires much interaction and comforting until confidence is gained on the ice. The parents that are waiting for the players must social distance and wear a mask at all times. We made special accommodations for this group to assure that we can conform to the recommendations with the State/CDC. Family and spectator attendance at games and practices will be determined based on league, state and local guidelines which are subject to change. 

·         Players are NOT permitted to shower in the Sunbury Ice Skating Rink.

·         Players and families will NOT be permitted to socialize in the rink after games or practices. They should be exiting the rink within 20 minutes of the completion of games and practices.

Player and Coaches Guidelines

·         Accommodations will be made to optimize social distancing of players and coaches in lockers rooms

·         Players may remove masks when leaving the locker room for play

·         Players MUST wear mask before entering and upon exiting the locker rooms after practice and games

·         On-ice participants should bring their own re-hydration liquids to the rink facility in a resealable container that is clearly marked with the participant’s identity. Participants should NOT plan on refilling their containers at the rink facility.

·         On ice participants are excused from social distancing

·         NO intentional spitting by players or coaches

Locker room assignment and entrance information, please be aware of how player’s should enter and exit the building.
