Category: Uncategorized

Visit Sunbury Stampede!

Sunbury Stampede will have tables at the Sunbury Celebration tomorrow July 14th and the Lewisburg Night out on August 7th.

This is a great opportunity to understand the sport and have a chat with some great Sunbury Stampede Coaches.

Street Hockey!

The Sunbury Stampede hosted a street hockey event on July 7th.  There was a great turnout with ages ranging from 5 all the way to 18.

Sunbury Stampede coaches were in attendance to help run the games and offer some tips.

It was a great opportunity to just play some good old hockey.  Check out some of the pictures below and stay tuned on this website or Facebook page for future events.  Anyone between the ages of 5-18 is welcome, no experience required.



Sunbury Rink is now one of 10 finalists for the Eaton “Light Like The Pros” contest

Voting continues to March 2, after which four finalists will be announced, followed by one more round of voting.

All you have to do is vote once per day now through March 2nd and if the community provides enough votes, the rink will be one of four finalists!

Every day through March 2nd, please visit
scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Vote For Your Rink” link.
In the “Search by AHL team affiliation!” box, type sunbury
Vote for the rink!
Please forward this to friends and family so they can vote too!

Thank you!

Avery Pruden (current Stampede Senior) visits Jack Marrara (2017 grad) Freshman playing for the University of Georgia Ice Dawgs as they play the University of South Carolina. 

Free Pick Up Hockey Saturday Sept 30th 1-3 PM for all Registered Stampede Players!

On Saturday, September 30 we will host a Registration / Q&A / jersey sizing / equipment swap meet event at the Sunbury Rink from noon – 3:00 pm!  1200 Memorial Ave.

~If you have’t registered, registration is currently open online!

~In person registration will open at 12 noon at the Sunbury ice rink and a laptop will be available. We’re really pushing for online registration, but if a paper form is your thing, we’ll have those.

~ Equipment swap meet from 12pm-3pm!  All parents are urged to bring their old equipment to trade, sell, or give away.

~Sample jerseys will be available onsite for sizing.

~Free pick up hockey for all ages will be available from 1pm -3pm for all registered players.  Bring your gear!!

We hope you can make it!!!

Middle School League

This is addressed to all the hockey familes with players with birth years 2005, 2006, and 2007.
The Middle School League is played at the Toyota Sportsplex in Wilkes Barre, PA.  The board is thinking of re-introducing it.  I ask that you respond to with a simple YES, MAYBE, or NO by Monday, August 28, 5:00 PM. Information about the league can be found at
We need to get a good idea as to whether or not to offer it so we don’t get into to an “offer it, hope they sign up, oops only a few signed up, now we have to refund them” scenario.”